Painting Services
Commercial Painting
Robertson Coatings specialise in the painting and re-painting of commercial buildings.
Communication between all parties is paramount to our success in meeting the requirements of our clients and to ensure our experienced painters are in a position to provide commercial grade coatings for all projects.
Robertson Coatings painters are provided with training and hands on experience in all aspects of preparation and application of specialised commercial coatings. Our Integrated Management System ensures appropriate safety procedures are implemented and a safe working environment provided for all parties.
In all cases we attempt to minimise the impact of our services on the day-to-day running of our client’s business.
Industrial Painting
Industrial painting is a highly specialised process and requires a high level of attention to detail to ensure safe and environmentally acceptable solutions.
To ensure the most superior result is always achieved a full assessment process is completed prior to commencement. Factors such as temperature, humidity, adhesion, chemical bonding, wear resistance and cost are all considered.
This assessment is used to determine the best surface preparation method and the most effective product coating application do be used.
All of the Robertson Coatings industrial painting team are trained in safety, environmental awareness (waste disposal) and product application methods and all hold appropriate industry certification and licences as required.